**Please note changes have been made to both the retail and label code of conduct ahead of RSD 2023 so read through carefully.**
Sign up for RSD 2023 is now closed.
Please check back here later in the year for details on how to sign up for RSD 2024.
Submissions for RSD 2024 are now open!
Submit your titles for the official RSD UK list by completing the product submission form and signing the label code of conduct and sending to rsdsubmissions@eraltd.org before 24th November 2023.
You should not go into production on an intended RSD release without getting approval first.
The earlier you submit the quicker we can approve. Due to the anticipated high volume of submissions, it may take 5-7 days to deliver approvals if you submit in the final week. You should download the RSD spreadsheet template and label code of conduct.
Black Friday 2023
To take part in Black Friday 2023, labels will need to complete and return the product submission form and fill in the label code of conduct (if you have not already taken part in RSD 2023) and send to RSDsubmissions@eraltd.org
The deadline for submitting Black Friday releases is 1st June 2023. If titles are not received and finalised by this date they may not be added to the Black Friday list
You should not go into production until your release has been approved by the RSD board first.
For record stores who are not already signed up to take part in April 2023 but wish to take part in Black Friday, you should download, sign and return the retail code of conduct to beth@eraltd.org before 29th September 2023.
Record Store Day Logo
If you wish to use the logo you must obtain permission from the Record Store Day organisers, who will need to approve printed materials etc in advance. You can email admin@eraltd.org to request permission.
I want to perform on Record Store Day...
Let us know the area you wish to perform in and we can let local stores know you are available but arrangements must be made direct with the store. You can find local stores by using our Store Locator and set up a performance direct. The Record Store Day organisers do not arrange the in-store events as each store is responsible for their own activities.