About Hundred Records
In my past, I’ve done a number of boring corporate jobs, all of them with a view of funding my love of music, live and recorded. I knew I wanted to open a record store from the moment my most recent “proper job” was so disenchanted with me that they wanted to pay me money to go away. That money I then spent on opening a record shop nearly 5 years ago. I keep getting up and doing it for the sheer joy of making people’s lives more fun. That’s what music does for people and by facilitating that all record shops do good work.
I’d do anything to avoid anything as hipsterish as a “vibe”, but we aim to be welcoming to all whatever music or format you prefer and hopefully we are a real asset to the local community including musicians and the music buying community.
The 1st purchase I made with my own money was Muddy Waters – Hard Again from Henry’s Records in Southampton. Many many years ago! I’ve spent a frankly ridiculous proportion of my life in record stores of all kinds, from the swankiest to the dusty, dowdy and rammed with decaying stock. All of them have merit and feel a little bit like a safe place away from the cares of the “real” world.
I don’t have a favourite, the beauty of independent record shops is they are all different, they should all be cherished and supported without ranking them in the order I like them.
Couldn’t tell you, I try to think in terms of what is next rather than what has been. So, I can tell you the one I’m looking forward to the most is Courtney Marie Andrews at The Talking Heads Southampton on the 22nd August. She is a breakout Americana star on Loose Music and her 2017 release Honest Life was the top seller of the year in the shop.
Depends on the mood I’m in. The last fiction work I read was Ready Player One – By Ernest Cline, the last non-fiction was Reality Is Not What It Seems: The Journey To Quantum Gravity – By Carlo Ravelli.
I don’t really have a favourite, but I've always loved the One From The Heart OST by Tom Waits & Crystal Gayle. The film was directed by Coppola, does that count?
The next great record I hear, something that makes me stop what I'm doing as I hear it for the first time.
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