About Assai Glasgow
Assai is an independent record store, specialising in new and reissued vinyl across all genres with a boutique vibe and welcoming atmosphere. Opened in just mid-March 2023, the Glasgow store is super new to the city but is already establishing itself as a go-to for music lovers.
Located in the heart of Glasgow City Centre, Assai’s Sauchiehall Street location is just a short walk away from some of the city’s iconic venues, providing a perfect centre for a thriving local music scene. The shop regularly hosts instore events from local and established acts, as well as promoting “out store” events from some of the biggest names in the industry.
As we are new to the scene on Glasgow, we have been building up a range of different clientele. Our vibe is contemporary with our layout encouraging customers to browse in a bright and spacious environment.
Our customer base is from first time buyers, people who have been building their collection for decades to individuals rebuilding their old collection. We are also close by to the university, college and art school, which helps bring in the energetic, fun vibe we want customers to feel as soon as they walk through the door.
We are known for selling new records along with a range of cassettes, boxsets, books and t-shirts. We continue to expand what we have within the store to make sure every customer who comes in manages to find what they are looking for, and if not, we will ensure to the best of our ability to get it in store for them to pick up later in week.
I think the first record we put through the till was the day before opening when I bought “A Tribe Called Quest “Peoples Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm” to test out the player. The excitement of opening took over after that so I can’t remember the first we sold to a customer. The last was probably Boygenius “the record”.
It was Bruce Springsteen “The River” from Groucho’s in Dundee. I didn’t even have a record player at the time, I just loved that album and thought it would be really cool to own it. It also made me get a record player shortly after.
Hard to say, but Third Man in London was a special experience for me when I first started collecting records - particularly because I’d spent so much time over the years watching videos of the label and pressing plant. The shop is so cool and offers a unique history which extends beyond the shop itself.
I think it’s got to be opening day for us. We had no idea what to expect being a Wednesday and we didn’t know if anyone would turn up, but we had a queue before we even opened. I was super
nervous and everyone that came in put me at ease with how patient they were. Loads of local businesses came in to welcome us to the street as well, there’s a really good feel for the community around us.
Very tough question but Phoenix at the Barrowlands I remember that gig being particularly special. They sounded incredible and put on a real performance.
Dilla Time - the guy is a genius.
Shrek, 1 & 2 deserve all the credit they get. Doesn’t matter what age you are they are amazing
Phoenix – Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
The Strokes – Is This It
Run The Jewels – RTJ4
Warpaint – Warpaint
The Maccabees – Giving Into The Wild
A Tribe Called Quest – Peoples Instinctive Travels & The Paths Of Rhythm
Death Cab For Cutie – Narrow Stairs
Daft Punk – Random Access Memories
Book – The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho
Luxury Item – Guylian Chocolate Shells
A Tribe Called Quest, The Maccabees, MF DOOM, Warpaint, RTJ, Phoenix, Talking Heads, Jungle Brothers
The Strokes - Is This It