Psyche France Vol 8 Sleeve
Release Date: 22 Apr 2023




Rhino France

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Rediscover a certain alternative French Pop with this 8th volume of the Psyché France collection! This new immersion in the heart of the 60's and 70's will surprise you with its share of curiosities initiated by psychedelic visionaries and forgotten mavericks. Start these sonic tribulations with Les Masters and their 'Petites amies', a band whose drummer was René Joly (Chimène - that's him!) and whose members were all nicknamed ‘Sretsam’ as a joke. Seconded by the scathing Gascogne cadet Jacques Filh and his 'Fini Borniol', they will open the field for Dani and her stunning 'Fallait pas' and L'assemblée, already known for 'Le chien'. Further on you will hear guitarist Jean-Pierre Castelain with the rare 'Ce jour-là' and go on a journey with Philippe Chatel, before succumbing to 'La Mandragore' by Gilbert Deflez, who invited Sylvia Fels on this song. On the side B, the Rimbaldian power of Quo Vadis will stun you with the tribute 'Zeppelin Party', followed by two pop gems by Voyage (recommended by Papillon, who used to play in Triangle) and Richard Contell. Richard Lable (brother of Denys, a member of the Shows) will then deliver a more hypnotic groove before the final appearance of the sorcerer Igor Wakhévitch and his 'Chirakan - Ixmucané'... Blinding like the sun in July!