Happy Pride 2023! To celebrate, we’re bringing you LGBTQIA+ stories from behind the counter in indie record shops up and down the UK.  


First up is Sharon from Reggie’s Retro, Ventnor 

I've been "out" my entire career, so I'm used to "being myself" as a LGBTQIA+ woman. I never thought I'd end up in my fifties owning a record shop back in my hometown of Ventnor, Isle of Wight, and it's absolutely fantastic. Ventnor is a pretty edgy and inclusive place anyway, but I've succeeded in creating a safe and fun place for myself to spend my days as well as providing a space that appeals to a very diverse customer base. I can be as camp I like for a start. Visibility is important; the shop is in the heart of the town, and I guess most people know me. For our younger customers I just think it's very cool for them to know they are welcome. I have a lot of LGBTQIA+ customers of all ages and it's important to me that they recognise me and Reggie's Retro as a strong ally.

It's great to see Pride is still going strong. I did a lot of marching and protesting in the 1980s and 1990s, but we can't ever take tolerance and acceptance for granted. Some of the backlash around trans rights saddens me deeply. The movement and community and all our allies need to stand strong together. Music and artistic expression are obviously a very powerful medium for bringing people together and bringing out the best in people. That's certainly true at Reggie's! 


Jacky from Resident, Brighton  

[I] started work at a record shop many years ago, which was basically my ‘coming out story’. [It was] not something I felt I could do in my previous career. Representation in music really matters to me and I love that this is still developing and that our shop champions it. Pride for me this year will be spent hanging out with a group of friends in Queen’s Park, there’s usually a good mix of people attending some alternative events. 



Marcia from Vinyl Van, Dorchester 

Life behind the counter as an LGBTQIA+ person is overwhelmingly positive. When we opened the shop, I was pre-transition and a little nervous how my coming out might be received. What's been so fantastic is how supportive and lovely our customers and community have been! 

For Pride this year, we took part in a Dorset Youth Pride Event, in collaboration with the wonderful people at the Shire Hall Museum. We hosted a Pride Pick 'n' Mix open decks session and had a fantastic day that felt really positive and lovely. 

Vinyl Van is an open, loving and safe space for everyone. 


Gary, Out Of The Attic Music, Hull  

I co-own Out Of The Attic Music here in Hull with Andy my brother and being gay isn’t really an issue, I wasn’t sure if the other shop owners knew about me or not, but I kept quiet. Last year on Hull Pride Day, I found out that everyone knew I was gay and didn’t have an issue. Whenever we get any LGBTQIA+ customers in, I do have an idea how to address people without upsetting or saying the wrong thing. I have advised one or two of the shop owners in the arcade too and it’s helped to have a view from the gay side of life! 

With me being the only gay in the arcade, this year I am currently organising the shops in the arcade into participating in the celebrations for Hull Pride on the 29th of July. The owners of the arcade are putting a vinyl floor covering of the rainbow flag and some of the shops are creating desserts, drinks, floral displays and face painting and I’m providing the Pride playlist for the arcade. This is the first time anyone in the arcade has done this, so I really hope it will be a fabulous success for everyone involved! 
Customers from the LGBTQIA+ community don’t stand out; we are no different to anyone else. You can’t always tell unless they want you to know, not a lot of customers know about me. Music brings everyone together; it has no barriers, no phobias, but can heal and help so much! 



Record Store Day wants to thank all individuals who took part in this piece as well as all LGBTQIA+ individuals from behind the counter. Whether you are celebrating Pride for the fiftieth year or the first, thank you for all you do providing music for record lovers everywhere! 🧡